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More often than not, lumber is in high demand, including in the United States, because it is used in many areas.


There are different types of lumber as well as different applications.


Deciduous lumber (from deciduous trees) is used for finishing work.


Coniferous sawn timber (of coniferous trees) is used for constructing frameworks and supporting structures as well as for equipping floors.


When choosing a material for a particular type of work, mechanical, physical characteristics, as well as methods of its drying are taken into account.


There are several types of lumber: bar, shaped bar and edged board.


One of the most popular materials is the bar, it has a regular geometric shape, so it is comfortable to work with, but it has a large shrinkage, because of this have to be additionally insulated (if you build a house).


Profiled bar has minimal shrinkage, and this is more convenient for construction.


There is also glued wood, its advantage is that it is treated with a special solution, which does not form mold and mildew.