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Grilled salmon

"Grilled salmon recipe in a wood-fired oven: Take advantage of the flavor of nature


Experience the sublime flavor of grilled salmon infused with the smokiness of hardwoods. Follow our simple recipe to create a culinary masterpiece that brings out the natural flavors of this prized fish.

- Salmon fillets, with or without skin

- Olive oil

- Lemon slices

- Fresh dill, chopped (optional)

- Salt and pepper to taste

- Wooden pieces or wood chips (cedar, alder or maple)

1. Begin by preheating a wood-fired grill to medium-high heat, aiming for 375-400°F (190-200°C). Use hardwood chunks or wood chips to give the salmon a rich, smoky flavor.

2. While the grill is heating up, lightly brush both sides of the salmon fillets with olive oil to prevent sticking and help the seasonings attach.

3- Sprinkle the salmon generously with salt and pepper, ensuring even coverage on all sides. For extra flavor, sprinkle the fillets with chopped fresh dill and squeeze fresh lemon juice over the top.

4. When the grill is ready, place the salmon fillets directly on the grill grate skin side down if you are using skinless fillets. Arrange them in a single layer, leaving a little space between each piece for even grilling.


5. Close the grill lid and let the salmon cook undisturbed for about 4-6 minutes, depending on the thickness of the fillets. Do not turn the fish too often to prevent it from falling apart.

6. As the salmon cooks, periodically check the grill temperature and adjust the heat if necessary to maintain a consistent cooking temperature.


7. Once the first side is nicely charred and has grill marks on it, gently flip the salmon fillets over using a spatula or grill tongs. Continue cooking for another 4-6 minutes, or until the fish is opaque and can be easily pierced with a fork.


8. When the salmon is cooked to desired doneness, carefully remove it from the grill and transfer it to a serving platter.


9. Garnish the grilled salmon with fresh dill and lemon slices to give it a bright flavor.

10. Serve grilled salmon hot off the grill with your favorite side dishes and sauces to create

an unforgettable outdoor dining experience.


With this easy-to-follow recipe, you can capture the essence of outdoor grilling and enjoy the delicate flavor of perfectly grilled salmon infused with the irresistible aroma of hardwood smoke. Fire up the grill, get outdoors and enjoy the flavors of summer!"