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BBQ chicken

"Wood-fired BBQ Chicken Recipe: Master the art of outdoor cooking


Get ready to elevate your grilling skills with our irresistible wood-fired BBQ chicken recipe. Fire up your grill, gather your favorite wood, and get ready to enjoy the smoky and juicy flavor.

- Whole chicken cut into pieces (or chicken thighs, drumsticks, etc.)

- BBQ rub (store-bought or homemade)

- BBQ sauce (optional)

- Wood chunks or wood chips (hickory, mesquite, apple or pecan).

1. Begin by preheating a wood-fired grill to about 300-325°F (150-160°C), using wood chips or hardwood chunks to give the chicken its distinctive smoky flavor.

2. While the grill is heating up, generously rub the chicken pieces with your favorite barbecue rub, taking care to coat all sides evenly. Leave the chicken at room temperature for 15-20 minutes to allow it to absorb the flavors.

3. When the grill is ready, place the seasoned chicken pieces directly on the grill grate, arranging them skin side up for maximum flavor and tenderness.

4. Close the grill lid and let the chicken cook for about 45 minutes to 1 hour, depending on the size of the pieces, turning them occasionally to ensure even cooking and browning.


5. During the cooking process, add wood chips or pieces of wood to the grill as needed to maintain a consistent smoke level and enhance the smoky flavor of the chicken.


6. During the last 10-15 minutes of cooking, if desired, drizzle the chicken with barbecue sauce to caramelize and form a delicious glaze.


7. Using a meat thermometer, check the internal temperature of the chicken, achieving a reading of 165°F (74°C) for safe consumption.


8. When the chicken has reached the desired temperature and has turned a beautiful golden brown color, carefully remove it from the grill and transfer it to a serving platter.

9. Before serving, let the chicken rest for a few minutes to allow the juices to distribute and the flavors to combine.


10. Serve the wood-fired barbecue chicken hot off the grill with your favorite side dishes and barbecue sauces for a mouthwatering meal that is sure to impress.

With this easy-to-follow recipe, you can master the art of outdoor cooking and create

tender, flavorful barbecue chicken that will keep everyone coming back for more. Fire up the grill, inhale the aroma of smoke, and get ready to enjoy a taste of summer!"